
We are the Rite of Christian Initiation of Youths (RCIY) from the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM).

Quite a mouthful huh.

In other words, we are a group of youths within the church of IHM and our mission is to introduce God to other youths, like youself! We do this through a journey. A journey to discover life and to discover God: the RCIY journey.

The RCIY Journey

The RCIY journey can be compared with the one you made from toddler to teen, we start you off with the most basic and fundamental questions:

"Who am I?",
"What is my place here in this world?"
"Who is God?"
"Is there a God?"

As time passes you will learn more about yourself, about God, about the Catholic faith; You will find youself growing, the way you grew from a baby to teen.

The journey is made of weekly sessions that consists of a bunch of friends coming together to share about their faith stories and experiences. You will not be alone, of course. Dedicated catholic youths (known as "sponsors") will be your traveling companion through the entire journey. They are committed to be your friend and guide.

Our sessions are held on Sunday mornings in IHM (IHM is located in the Serangoon district).

The RCIY Team

We are a bunch of happy, friendly, sometimes cranky, but altogether fun-loving group of youths; We come from all sorts of backgrounds, shapes, sizes, levels of kookiness etc. We have one thing in common though... we have a burning desire to introduce God to everyone! (and to make many friends along the way)

Next... Go to the RCIY Team page to see our profiles.
Our Faith would show you what we believe in.