Saturday, April 18, 2009


Here are photos that RCIA (our brother group) has taken in all the major events leading to baptism. Do find our own RCIY newly baptised inside! Enjoy...

Rite of Sending

Presentation of the Creed

Rite of the First Scrutiny

Rite of the Second Scrutiny

Rite of the Third Scrutiny

Palm Sunday /Presentation of the Lord's Prayer

Holy Saturday - Prayers (Office) and Rehearsal

Easter Vigil - In Church

Easter Vigil - Blessing of Fire, Liturgy and more

Easter Vigil - Sacrament of Baptism

Easter Vigil - Sacrament of Confirmation

Easter Vigil - Sacrament of First Holy Communion

Easter Vigil - Group Photographs of Neophytes

posted by rciy @ 10:53 PM 0 Comments